Dr.-Ing. Fabian Mohn

Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE)
Sektion für Biomedizinische Bildgebung
Lottestraße 55
2ter Stock, Raum 203
22529 Hamburg
- Postanschrift -

Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH)
Institut für Biomedizinische Bildgebung
Gebäude E, Raum 4.044
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3
21073 Hamburg

Tel.: 040 / 7410 25812
E-Mail: f.mohn(at)uke.de
E-Mail: fabian.mohn(at)tuhh.de
ORCID:  https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9151-9929

Research Interests

  • (arbitrary waveform) Magnetic Particle Imaging
  • inductive sensors, filters and resonant transformers
  • circuit design, impedance matching
  • Magneto Mechanical Resonators (MMRs)

Curriculum Vitae

Fabian Mohn studied Electrical Engineering at the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) and in cooperation with the Philips Research Laboratories Hamburg, he received his master's degree in 2018 on the Analysis and Optimization of the Signal-to-Noise Ratio for Receive Arrays in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. He joined the group of Tobias Knopp for Biomedical Imaging at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) and the Hamburg University of Technology in 2020 as a PhD student and finished his PhD in 2024 on the topic Instrumentation, Sequences and Applications for Magnetic Particles in Imaging and Spectroscopy.

Journal Publications

Title: Using Negative Bolus in Dynamic MPI.
Written by: F. Mohn, M. Exner, P. Szwargulski, M. Möddel, T. Knopp, and M. Graeser
in: <em>International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging IJMPI</em>. mar (2023).
Volume: Number:
on pages: 9.(1).
how published:
DOI: 10.18416/IJMPI.2023.2303022
URL: https://journal.iwmpi.org/index.php/iwmpi/article/view/579


Note: inproceedings

Abstract: In Magnetic Particle Imaging, the spatial distribution of a tracer is measured and depicted with a concentration dependent signal intensity for any location that inhibits particles, whereas surrounding tissue does not provide any signal. After tracer injection, the signal over time (positive contrast) can be utilized as a transient response to calculate dynamic diagnostic parameters like perfusion parameter maps. In this work, a bolus of physiological saline solution without any particles (negative contrast) is proposed, where the remaining steady state concentration contributes to the image contrast. This opens up the possibility to stretch the total monitoring time of a patient by utilizing a positive-negative contrast sequence, while keeping the total iron dose constant in the subject. Resulting time responses show that normalized signals from positive and negative boli are concurrent in the phantom experiments, indicating identical diagnostic parameters for in-vivo use.

Conference Proceedings

Title: Using Negative Bolus in Dynamic MPI.
Written by: F. Mohn, M. Exner, P. Szwargulski, M. Möddel, T. Knopp, and M. Graeser
in: <em>International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging IJMPI</em>. mar (2023).
Volume: Number:
on pages: 9.(1).
how published:
DOI: 10.18416/IJMPI.2023.2303022
URL: https://journal.iwmpi.org/index.php/iwmpi/article/view/579

[www] [BibTex]

Note: inproceedings

Abstract: In Magnetic Particle Imaging, the spatial distribution of a tracer is measured and depicted with a concentration dependent signal intensity for any location that inhibits particles, whereas surrounding tissue does not provide any signal. After tracer injection, the signal over time (positive contrast) can be utilized as a transient response to calculate dynamic diagnostic parameters like perfusion parameter maps. In this work, a bolus of physiological saline solution without any particles (negative contrast) is proposed, where the remaining steady state concentration contributes to the image contrast. This opens up the possibility to stretch the total monitoring time of a patient by utilizing a positive-negative contrast sequence, while keeping the total iron dose constant in the subject. Resulting time responses show that normalized signals from positive and negative boli are concurrent in the phantom experiments, indicating identical diagnostic parameters for in-vivo use.