10th Anniversary of the Graduate Academy

May 2023 marked the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Graduate Academy at TUHH - we celebrated this anniversary with old and new colleagues, supporters and friends. After welcome addresses by the Vice President Research, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Irina Smirnova, and the Scientific Manager of the Graduate Academy, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Grabe, Dr. Krista Schölzig and Lara Walkling took the guests on a journey through the past ten years. Afterwards, two external trainers of the Graduate Academy provided insights into their work with keynote speeches. Dr. Insa Flachsbarth talked about the topic "Soft skills: essential for leadership and innovation or just nice to have?" and Francesca Carlin explained to us, "Why Scientists Need Stories". The evening ended with a barbecue outside and a few Campusperle beers in perfect spring weather.