Coordinated Projects

  • KLIMZUG-NORD: Regional strategies concerning climate changes in the metropolitan area of Hamburg (Contact person: Calmano)
  • BERBION: Die Stadt der Zukunft - Eine bedarfsangepasste ZERO-WASTE-Bioraffinerie (Contact person: Kuchta)
  • COORAL - CO2 purity for capture and storage; Subject area 4: Geological storage (Contact person: Kather)
  • DYNCAP: Dynamic Study of Steam Power Processes with CO2 Separation for the Delivery of Reserve Power (Contact person: Kather)
  • Joint Research Project CLOCK – Chemical Looping Combustion of Coal for CO2 Separation in Atmospheric Fluidised Bed Reactors for a Steam Power Plant Cycle (Contact person: Kather)
  • TransiEnt.EE: Transient Behaviour of Coupled Energy Networks with Substantial Inflow of Renewable Energy (Contact person: Schmitz)