
General Project Description
Environmental factors like sea state, wind and fouling affect a ship's operation with regard to required power or achievable speed. Since design conditions are normally chosen to be a smooth hull in calm water, the performance of the ship in realistic conditions is often unknown a priori and only learned about during the operation of each ship. This research project aims at better understanding the underlying physical phenomen and predicting the ship operation point in real conditions. The target of the joint research project is to develop a tool to enable a informed decision about routing options by the ship operator.
High level numerical simulations are run to generate a data basis for surrogate models. They are validated with full scale measurements on multiple vessels. The surrogate models are necessary to give real time prognosis in up-to-date predictions for environmental conditions. Due to the high number of considered environmental factors it is not feasible to explore the whole parameter space with simulations. Instead, the surrogate models will be designed in a modular way so internal characteristics of interest like the ship wake field can then be superposed from contributions by different environmental sources before predicting the ship operation condition.
Sub-Project MariPower: Holistic power prediction for ships in realistic environments for assistance in an efficient ship's command
This research project focuses on the prediction of the wake field and the propeller operating condition. A superpositioning algorithm for mean wake field variations due to different factors will be developed. Using this algorithm propeller simulations will be carried out to determine the propeller forces in a variation of input parameters. The surrogate model will be developed and trained with the obtained data. Developed models will be connected in a software environment with the contributions by the research partners and result in the aspired assistance system.
SubProject MariModUm: Near real-time modeling and simulation of environmental influences on ship energy consumption
Within the MariModUm project the additional resistances due to waves, wind and fouling are considered in detail. Detailed simulations of the different resistance components are performed and surrogate models are developed. In this context, the conditions, such as variable floating positions and the distribution of cargo on deck are taken into account. The quantification of the individual resistance components is based on high-resolution numerical simulations, whose accuracy and computational efficiency will be improved first.
For the integration into the onboard ship system, a calculation of the individual drag components in near-real time is required. The fluid fields of the different high-resolution simulations are the data basis for surrogate models. These models consider an extensive parameter set of input variables and determine the resistance components on board. The developed methods are validated on the basis of operating data from real ship ship operation.
Project Partners
Hamburgische Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt GmbH
AVL Deutschland GmbH
Entwicklungszentrum für Schiffstechnik und Transportsysteme e.V.
Friendship Systems AG
Technische Universität Berlin
Technische Universität Hamburg
52°North - Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH
Universität zu Lübeck
Maritimes Zentrum der Hochschule Flensburg,
C. Büttner Shipmanagement
AVL Software & Functions
The project is funded in the framework program “Maritime Forschungsstrategie 2025” (englisch “Maritime Research Strategy 2025”) of the Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie (englisch Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy).