
Module: Rural Development and Resources Oriented Sanitation for different Climate Zones (SE)
Untertitel:This course is the module: Rural Development and Resources Oriented Sanitation for different Climate Zones
DozentIn:Prof. Dr. Ing. Ralf Otterpohl, M. Sc Lukas Huhn
Veranstaltungstyp:Seminar (Lehre)

  • Central part of thismodule is a group work on a subtopic of thelectures. The focus of these projects will be based on an interview with a targetaudience, practitioners or scientists.
  • The group work is dividedinto several Milestones and Assignments. The outcome willbe presented in a final presentation at the end of the semester.

Semester:WiSe 23/24
Zeiten:Fr. 15:00 - 18:00 (wöchentlich)
Erster Termin:Freitag, 27.10.2023 15:00 - 18:00, Ort: (N-0007)
Weitere Informationen:
Heimatinstitut: Institut für Abwasserwirtschaft u. Gewässerschutz (B-2)
In Stud.IP angemeldete Teilnehmer: 47
Anzahl der Dokumente im Stud.IP-Downloadbereich: 61
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