Blast Vulnerability Prediction Capability of Steel and Composite Structures

PI/Project Lead:
Marcus Rutner, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany, marcus.rutner(at)
David Vaccari, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA, dvaccari(at)

The current state of research and engineering consulting in high-speed dynamics is that the highly nonlinear response of structural components when subjected to high energy blast loading can be quantified by either experimental testing or high-fidelity explicit finite element analysis. Both approaches, empirical studies and finite element analyses, are expensive and very time-consuming. There is research demand in development of a methodology which allows characterization of failure modes and quantification of nonlinear response behavior of structural components subjected to extreme loading in a very time-efficient but accurate way. This paper introduces a novel methodology to allow vulnerability assessment and response prediction capability of bride/lightweight bridge members and components subjected to impulsive loading within seconds of response time. The approach includes Multivariable Polynomial Regression (MPR) to build a response surface using data entries from a database comprising response data of members of various failure modes. The response surface is used to parameterize and optimize blast-resistant design and to enable a viable component shock quantification and qualification approach. This approach has been automated via the development of a graphical user interface (GUI) software tool and allows immediate on-site decisions on the vulnerability of structural and mechanical components subjected to direct and indirect impulsive loading. This novel software tool could be of value to agencies, manufacturer, designers and architects in various engineering fields, such as civil, naval, aerospace, mechanical engineering involved in high-speed dynamics. Results have been published in the International Journal of Protected Structures and in Engineering Structures.

                                              Damage Detection of Damage Precursors in Steel Components

Selected Publications:

  1. Hahn, A., Mensinger, M., Rutner, M. Peak overpressure and impulse due to diffraction over a cylinder and/or multi-reflection of a shock wave in structural design, International Journal of Protective Structures, 2020,

  2. Hahn, A., Mensinger, M., Rutner, M. Die Auswirkungen von Diffraktion und Multi-Reflexion auf zylindrische Stützen, Stahlbau 1, 2020, (89): 59-68. DOI: 10.1002/stab.201900097 

  3. Rutner, M., Wright. J. Duality of Energy Absorption and Inertial Effects – Optimized Structural Design for Blast Loading.  International Journal of Protective Structures, 2016, Vol. 7(1) 18–44.  DOI: 10.1177/2041419615622726

  4. Rutner, M., Vaccari, D. Preliminary and Time-Efficient Design of Structural Components Subjected to Blast Loading. Engineering Structures, 2016, Volume 128, 1 December 2016, Pages 55–66. DOI:10.1016/j.engstruct.2016.09.020