Integration of lightweight design and sustainability criteria for automised part sceening processes (ILSC-APP)


As part of the ILSC-APP project, KPIs are being developed that make automated component analysis for suitability testing of components for additive manufacturing more time- and cost-efficient, more sustainable and more application-oriented. The KPIs to be developed increase the quality of the analyses and, in particular, expand the scope of the 3DSpark software so that it can be used to address new user groups in existing target markets. First, a requirements analysis is carried out. 3DSpark develops a sustainability KPI that considers sustainability factors over the product life cycle and takes them into account in the component analysis. The Institute of Laser and System Technologies at Hamburg University of Technology develops the lightweight design KPI, which enables a reliable and repeatable prediction of the savings potential through component redesign. 3DSpark is also responsible for integrating the prototype KPI algorithms into a functional software pipeline. Finally, the final solution will be evaluated by a methodology developed by the Institute of Laser and System Technologies with regard to the technical functionality and applicability of the KPIs.

Duration: 01.04.2024 - 31.03.2026

Staff member in charge: Maxim Kühne

Funding programme: Central Innovation Programme for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

Project managament agency: German Federation of Industrial Research Associations - AiF
