Upcoming events

Festival of Cultures

We will also be at the Festival of Cultures on 15 May. Come and meet us and find out more about the IEEE at the TUHH.

Presentation series: "And what's your research about?"

Every 2nd Thursday this summer semester will be the presentations of the series ‘And what's your research about?’. Further information on the dates and the topics will follow soon.

Recent events

Coming to TU: Toastmasters Clubs Debate.

What is Toastmasters?
It is a worldwide speech club. Club members hold regular meetings where they develop leadership and public speaking skills. Guests are always welcome!

When: May 15 at 18:45, ending at 21:30

Where: D 1.023 - TUHH 

Who: The best competitive public speakers in Hamburg and YOU!

Debate Topics: The pros and cons of fun topics in English and German. 

Come and debate against and/or with the Toastmasters in Hamburg or just be our guest and enjoy this unusual evening.

Hannover Fair 2024

On 24 May we visited Hannover fair 2024.   

Excursion to Airbus

On 14 April we were invited to visit the Airbus bus factory in Finkenwerder, Hamburg. 


Alumni Evening

Alumni Evening with Adrian Rusche from EMH Metering 12.12. at 5 pm in room A0.18.



Toastmasters coming to TUHH!

'Hamburg International Speakers': Toastmasters club, together with IEEE & VDE student group Hamburg organized 'Toastmasters coming to TUHH!'. It was an evening full of speeches, feedback, practice in developing leadership skills and short impromptu speechs. It was very entertaining couple of hours with not a moment of boredom!


For 15 years, we have been a student branch of the IEEE. 5 years ago, we became also a student group of the VDE.

We are happy to be here for such a long time, organizing events, excursions, and talks for you and us!

Excursion Hochbahn

On 21th of June, we visited the bus depot of the Hamburger Hochbahn in Alsterdorf. A highlight is the visit of the 110kV substation. Furthermore, there were some information on career opportunities at the Hochbahn.

Summer Festival

We played a part in the TUHH sommer festival of this year as well! We gave the opprtunity for the participants to get to know what IEEE is and to try QuIEEEz and to win gifts.

IEEE Virtual Speaker Event

This semester, we tried  a completely new format: The IEEE Virtual Speaker eent. We have invited Kathy Giori to give us a talk with the following content:

Title: DIY Smart Home Demonstration and How to Create Your Own Web Things

Summary: Rather than give your smart home device data, and voice commands used to control them, to large tech titans, this talk shows that you can maintain complete privacy using open source software and tools. The live demo will show the Candle Smart Home and WebThings Gateway (two forks of a project originally piloted by Mozilla). A local approach protects users by keeping data and commands inside the home, yet secure remote access and management is available using any https-capable web browser. The open W3C Web of Things standard makes it possible to build your own smart things or buy commercial devices, and manage them all from the same gateway.

Speaker: Kathy Giori has spent her career of more than 30 years working in technology companies in the SF Bay Area. Her current focus is two-fold: 1) running Tricyrcle Corp., a startup focused on affordable privacy technology options for consumers, and 2) supporting MicroBlocks, as head of Global Partnerships and Outreach. Kathy also enthusiastically volunteers each year as a mentor of the TechWomen program. She received her bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Minnesota, and her master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford.

Excursion to Rohde & Schwarz in Munich

Rohde & Schwarz invited our student group to visit their main sight at Munich. There were interesting lab vistis and talks regarding radio frequency, computer science, and more.

LaTeX Workshop for Starters

On 25th of May there was our first LaTeX workshop and the interest was larger than expected.Thus, there will be a second version, soon. So, stay tuned and don't miss to sign-up ;)

Club Presentation Day

Thanks to everybody, visiting us at the club day. We look forward to stay in contact!

Exkursion Sennheiser

Mit 20 Personen ging es am 17.01.20 nach Wedemark (kurz vor Hannover) zur Firma Sennheiser.

Wir haben dort zwei frühere Mitglieder der Student Branch besucht, die uns ein rundum gelungenes und interaktives Programm geboten haben.

Teil 1 war vormittags eine Führung durch die Produktion, Teil 2 am Nachmittag ein Zusammentreffen mit Forschung+Entwicklung.

Da Sennheiser besonders im Pro-Audio Bereich überwiegend in Wedemark produziert, können die Entwickler etwa direkt im eigenen Haus Prototypen fertigen lassen - Sei es mechanisch (Gehäuse) oder SMD bestückte Platinen.

Zusammen in der Gruppe haben wir Anhand der aktuellen High-End Funksprechen zahlreiche Ingenieursdisziplinen zusammengetragen, die für die Produktentwicklung nötig sind.

Beteiligte Arbeiten decken nahezu zahlreiche Bereiche unseres elektrotechnischen Horizontes ab: Etwa Softwareentwicklung, Platinenlayouts, Akustik, FPGA, HF-Technik, Nachrichtentechnik sowie auch Marketing + Produktforschung. Hintergrund ist, dass die Pro-Produkte alle komplett eigenständig entwickelt werden.

Darüber hinaus gab es aus HR-Sicht interessante Hinweise über Bewerbungsabläufe und hilfreiche Tipps im Allgemeinen zum Einstieg in den Beruf.

Gruppenfoto bei Sennheiser

Excursion Freiheit.com

On May 24th we visited the software-developer freiheit.com technologies. The company has its origin in Hamburg but opened last year also their first international office in Lisbon as they are constantly growing. Freiheit is special for their young and modern spirit, which we were able to experience on that afternoon. A big part of this is their work based on agile methods. That's about working in flexible projects and with low hierarchy - and poker ;)
After a short introduction to these methods, there were two keynote speeches about current projects at freiheit. There, we could see technologies they are working with in a real examples and also agile methods became visible. One of the projects was a mobile app, developed for the website chefkoch.de which is programmed by usage of Google's Flutter framework.
Afterwards, all of us had the possibility to take part in the Hacker Talk, which is taking place every Friday at freiheit. For this event someone of the company talks about current topics, problems or solutions containing their project. In our case the Hacker Talk was about the implementation of a search engine.
In the end everyone could stay in the huge kitchen or on the balcony, drink some beer or lemonade and get in touch with other employees - while having a great view over the harbour. This was a really nice ending of a really nice excursion.

Excursion to Rohde & Schwarz

From January 13 to 15 we were in Munich on invitation of Rohde & Schwarz, a leading corporation for measurement technology for microwave and communication engineering.

After half of our group had already arrived on Friday to go sightseeing in Munich, the rest of the group joined on Sunday evening. Then we could get to know each other better and talk about what to expect on the next day over some beer and a good meal.

On Monday morning we set out for Rohde & Schwarz. After an introductory presentation about the company structure and career options as well as some coffee and pastries we had the thrilling opportunity to attend practical workshops. The topics for these focused on antenna measurements, MIMO measurements and modulation schemes. Working with original equipment was very interesting and inspiring. After a concluding presentation of Rohde & Schwarz products in the showroom we finished the evening with a delicious dinner and great talks with the workshop leaders.

On Tuesday morning we finally headed back to Hamburg with many dear and positive memories.

Exkursion Maurer Electronics

Am 28. November 2018 haben wir mit 14 Personen den Hamburger Standort von Maurer Electronics besucht. Als Teil der Bundesdruckerei entwickelt Maurer Lösungen für die Erfassung, Speicherung und Verarbeitung von Persönlichkeitsdaten und -dokumenten. Die Niederlassung im Harburger Channel liegt direkt um die Ecke - Wir haben quasi unsere Nachbarn besucht, entsprechend simpel gestaltete sich die Anreise.

Nach einer kurzen Begrüßung ging es in einer Unternehmensvorstellung darum, wer Maurer Electronics ist und was sie machen: Als Tochterunternehmen der Bundesdruckerei wird hier Hard- und Software entwickelt, die den hohen Anforderungen an hoheitliche Aufgaben standhalten kann. Wie diese Anforderungen erfüllt und gleichzeitig trotz der Nähe zu staatlichen Stellen eine effiziente, dynamische Arbeitsweise sichergestellt werden kann, wurde in einem weiteren Vortrag erläutert. Die wichtigsten Aspekte waren eine agile Arbeitsweise, häufige Releases und eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit den Nutzern der Produkte.

Anschließend hatten wir die Möglichkeit, in kleinen Gruppen einige Produkte hautnah zu erleben: Los ging es mit einem Koffer, der als mobiler Arbeitsplatz alle Möglichkeiten besitzt, die Persönlichkeitsmerkmale (Fingerabdruck, Foto) zu registrieren. Dieser wurde zu Beginn der Flüchtlingskrise 2015 entwickelt und verwendet, um Asylbewerber “im Feld” registrieren zu können, also indem der Sachbearbeiter zu den Asylbewerbern geht anstatt andersrum.

Weiter ging es mit einem Self-Service-Terminal, der im Bürgeramt die Aufnahme der Persönlichkeitsmerkmale vereinfacht und so die Arbeit der Sachbearbeiter vereinfachen kann. Schlussendlich wurde die Sichtweise der Sachbearbeiter betrachtet, die die aufgenommenen Merkmale nochmals überprüfen und die Dateneingabe finalisieren.

Nach diesem umfangreichen Einblick in die Produkte und Arbeitsweise der Firma konnten wir bei Kaffee und Kuchen mit Mitarbeitern in Kontakt kommen, weitere Fragen stellen und die Exkursion in gemütlicher Atmosphäre ausklingen lassen.

Airbus excursion

On the 23rd of May we visited the Airbus site with 25 participants in Finkenwerder. Besides student group members and other students, some staff members of the Institute of Electrical Power and Energy Technology took part. The excursion started with a short introduction of the company followed by an interesting talk about current research topics especially in the field of digital cabins - the development of a smart furniture for passenger cabins. Both talks were by TUHH alumni which gave us an insight to future perspectives and working areas.

After this we had the possibility to ask personal questions to some members of the HR department, who also gave us an overview of possibilities for students as internships, working students and final theses.

In the end we had a guided tour of the site and visited some production lines of the A320 family and the A380.

Zeiss Exkursion

Am 26.1. wurden wir von Carl Zeiss an den Standort Jena eingeladen, um dort einen spannenden Tag mit Vorträgen und Führungen aus den Bereichen Optik und Optoelektronik zu verbringen. Am Vortag trafen wir uns, eine Gruppe aus Elektrotechnikern und Maschinenbauern,  um von der Deutschen Bahn zuverlässig in den Osten gefahren zu werden. Nach einem kurzem Marsch zur Jugendherberge ging es in ein gut-bürgerliches Restaurant, in welches wir von Zeiss eingeladen wurden. Dort fand auch bereits ein erstes Kennenlernen mit drei Vertretern der Carl Zeiss AG statt. Anschließend kehrten wir in die Jugendherberge zurück und schliefen uns für den kommenden Tag aus.Nach dem Frühstück brachen wir zu Zeiss auf und absolvierten dabei quer durch Jena 50 Höhenmeter.

Nach der Begrüßung konnte das Programm mit einer Kurzvorstellung des Unternehmens und einer Führung durch einige Räumlichkeiten beginnen.

Der historische Aspekt, insbesondere die Trennung des Unternehmens in einen West- und einen Ostbetrieb, wurde von einem ehemaligen Mitarbeiter und Zeitzeugen interessant dargestellt. Abgerundet wurde dieser Vortrag mit einer Führung durch einen Showroom.

Anschließend gab es eine Reihe von Impulsvorträgen, welche die Arbeitsgebiete einzelner Mitarbeiter vorstellen. Es ging unter anderem um Machine Learning und wir konnten Ausschnitte einer Augen-OP sehen. Zwischendurch wurden wir mit einem Catering des Studierendenwerkes Thüringen versorgt.

Zum Abschluss wurden uns im Schnelldurchlauf Einblicke in die praktische Forschungsarbeit  des Unternehmens gegeben. Beeindruckend war hier der Bereich der 3D-Mikroskopie.

Wir verabschiedeten uns und wurden von der Bahn anschließend wieder pünktlich ins schöne Hamburg gefahren.

We were invited by Rohde & Schwarz to visit their headquarter in Munich on the 19th December. We were proud about the opportunity to get to know one of the most favored employer for the field of electrical engineering.

On the 18th December 2017 arrived our group of 20 people in Munich and after a night in our hostel we started in an amazing day at Rohde & Schwarz. After a short welcome event had our Group a tour through the Showroom, where we got to know products and fields of Rohde & Schwartz’s activities like measurement, radio technique and Cyber Security. Moreover, we listened to two talks of engineers and their working field at Rohde & Schwarz.

Finally we visited the laboratory for microwaves.

We started our way back to Hamburg at 5pm with a lot of positive impressions.

Excursion to Lufthansa Technik

The IEEE Student Branch visited Lufthansa Technik in Hamburg on the 19th July 2017. After a short introduction to the company and the entry-level career opportunities, we took part in an interesting tour of the workshops and were given short presentations about the current projects of young researchers. In the end, we got the possibility to talk freely with the presenters. Thanks to the variety of the agenda we got insight into how diverse the work at Lufthansa Technik is.

In July 2017 the IEEE Student Branch went to Minden to visit the contact technology manufacturer WAGO.

WAGO is one of the market leaders for interconnection and automation solutions. We were given an overview of the company and its market as well the stages of manufacturing and quality control were shown.

The day was completed by plenty of food and drink, sun at the river and trains arriving in-time.

In July a workshop was organized by a member of Blue Engineering specifically for the IEEE Student Branch. We had the opportunity to deal with the IEEE Code of Ethics, compare it with our own ethical ideas and to question its practical feasibility. Some of us discovered that we never dealt with the Codex despite our membership.

Like the tradition states, this year the we again participated with our Nerf-Guns at the TUHH Sommerfest. With good weather, the Nerf-Gun shooting provided great fun for all ages.

Excursion to DRL in Bremen

As the German Aerospace Center (DLR) had invited us to Bremen, we today had the chance to visit the DLR Institute of Space Systems. We were lucky enough to be shown around by Dr. Scharringhausen, who has yet contributed to many aerospace missions and research fields at the DLR. Accordingly, we were given first-hand information about the complex and exciting technical challenges that come along with spaceflight.