Lectures related to elbe

Application of CFD in Naval Architecture

Dr.-Ing. Christian F. Janßen

The elbe code is based on an efficient Lattice-Boltzmann implementation using GPGPUS (general purpose graphics processing units). Details of basic LBM algorithms and GPU implementations are discussed in the FDS lecture on applications of numerical methods in naval architecture. The main contents of the lecture:

  1. Introduction to LB methods with simple Matlab Tutorial codes
  2. Implementation of code extensions in Matlab
  3. Numerical simulations with elbe
  4. Implementation of elbe extensions with C++ user coding
  5. Presentation of results

For further details, check the FDS homepage. 

List of completed ASM student projects:

  • LBM, VOF, FSI und GPU.
    O. Detlefsen, N. Gäbler, H. Nagrelli, P. Schimonek, 2012.
  • Untersuchung eines Industrierühres.
    D. Feder, A. Kömpe, V. Tobies, 2013.
  • Untersuchung von Sloshing in teilgefüllten Tanks mit austauchenden Tankböden.
    M. Gehrke, M. Huisman, L. Willing, 2013.
  • Untersuchung eines Tretboots im numerischen Schlepptank.
    L. Herting, N. von Meyerinck, M. Überrück, 2013.
  • Propeller und Kavitation.
    N. Brüdigam, M. Hartmann, 2014.
  • Flutungsuntersuchungen generischer Schiffsquerschnitte.
    A. Budde, H. Conradi, P. Lüke, 2014.
  • Sloshing Simulations for various testcase setups.
    S. Rudaa, P. Olivucci, 2015.
  • Propelleruntersuchungen in Anlehnung an den Potsdam Propeller Test Case.
    R. Angerbauer, 2015.
  • Akustik mit LBM.
    A. Worst, 2016.


Prof. Rung, Dr. Janßen, WS 2015/16, details are coming soon.

High Performance Computing

Fundamentals of High Performance Computing held by Prof. Rung and others, summer term, 6 ECTS (FDS homepage)

Supplementary lectures at FDS

Fluid Mechanics

Prof. Rung, winter term, 6 ECTS (FDS homepage)

Computational Fluid Dynamics I

Prof. Rung, summer term, 5 ECTS (FDS homepage)

Computational Fluid Dynamics II

Prof Rung, winter term, 5 ECTS (FDS homepage)