The 2nd workshop on wireless communications between TUHH and Seoul National University took place on January 23-24, 2017 at TUHH hosted by the Institute of Communications (INT). The workshop was part of an exchange project funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) within the German-Korean Partnership Programme (GenKO).
A group of Ph.D. students and postdocs from Seoul National University accompanied by Prof. Jae Hong Lee and Prof. Byonghyu Shim visited the Institute of Communications (INT) of TUHH for the workshop. The presentations covered a wide variety of hot topics in wireless communications. This included compressed sensing, localization, efficient implementation of channel estimation and forward error control decoding, physical layer issues and standardization for 5G mobile communications systems, simultaneous wireless information and power transfer up to wireless in-body communication.
The workshop was followed by individual discussions and research collaboration meetings among the delegates from Seoul National University and TUHH. Also master students have been involved in the exchange program.
As fruitful collaboration is based on trust and friendship, there was also a casual social program including a dinner at the Bavarian restaurant Hofbräu München in Harburg and a visit to the just recently opened Elbphilharmonie.