Commitment and Cooperation

Hamburg – The Place for Aviation

The Northern German metropolitan region ranks alongside Seattle and Toulouse as one of the world‘s leading centres for civil aviation. Airbus Deutschland, Lufthansa Technik, and Hamburg Airport are the biggest employers of skilled workers, but if one includes the roughly 300 small and medium-sized companies that supply aviation parts, the total number of jobs in the industry rises to over 30,000.

The range of available industrial apprenticeships and university places in the field of aviation is continually expanding and every effort is made to nurture young talents. This commitment has its own reward, having contributed to the Northern German aviation industry‘s world-class reputation.

Cooperation with INSA Toulouse

Considering that Hamburg and Toulouse are well established as two key aerospace cities in Europe, the organizers of the AST and R3ASC (Recent Advances in Actuation Systems and Components, Toulouse) conferences have decided to associate their events. The AST and R3ASC conferences alternate, AST being held every odd year while R3ASC takes place every even year. In such a way, scientists and engineers have the opportunity to communicate or to get informed on the latest developments in aircraft systems every year.