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Scalar Interval Operations --- Interval.h

This file defines the scalar interval operations and introduces the new data type INTERVAL. All interval operations are based on BIAS (see section Basic Interval Arithmetic Subroutines).

Data Type: INTERVAL Variable [(REAL lower bound [, REAL upper bound])]
Declares Variable as scalar interval. If only lower bound is present, Variable is initialized to be a point interval with the value lower bound. If both bounds are present, Variable is initialized to the interval [lower bound...upper bound]. Example:

INTERVAL a(1.0);

declares the variable a as scalar interval and initializes a with the point interval [1.0,1.0].

The basic operations +, -, *, and /, the unary operators + and - as well as +=, -=, *=, and /= are defined for scalar intervals. REAL values may also be used instead of intervals, as long as one operand is of type INTERVAL. Comparisons of scalar intervals are possible with == and !=. Inclusion properties may be tested with <= and < where the latter tests for inclusion in the interior. For example:

a <= b

returns TRUE, if the interval a is contained in the interval b.

Additionally, the following functions are provided:

Constructor: INTERVAL INTERVAL (REAL lower bound [, REAL upper bound])
Returns/defines a scalar interval. If only lower bound is present, A point interval with the value lower bound is returned. Otherwise the interval [lower bound...upper bound] is returned.

Function: INTERVAL AddBounds (REAL r, REAL s)
Returns an interval containing an enclosure of the true sum of r and s.

Function: INTERVAL SubBounds (REAL r, REAL s)
Returns an interval containing an enclosure of the true difference between r and s.

Function: INTERVAL MulBounds (REAL r, REAL s)
Returns an interval containing an enclosure of the true product of r and s.

Function: INTERVAL DivBounds (REAL r, REAL s)
Returns an interval containing an enclosure of the true quotient between r and s.

Function: REAL Inf (INTERVAL a)
Returns the lower bound (infimum) of the interval a.

Function: REAL Sup (INTERVAL a)
Returns the upper bound (supremum) of the interval a.

Function: REAL Pred (REAL r)
Returns the largest REAL number less than r.

Function: INTERVAL Pred (INTERVAL a)
Returns the largest interval contained in the interior of a. If no such interval exists, the result is undefined.

Function: REAL Succ (REAL r)
Returns the smallest REAL number greater than r.

Function: INTERVAL Succ (INTERVAL a)
Returns the smallest interval in which a is contained in the interior.

Function: INTERVAL Hull (REAL r)
Returns the point interval [r,r].

Function: INTERVAL Hull (x, y)
Returns the convex hull of x and y. The expressions x and y may be either of type REAL or INTERVAL.

Function: INTERVAL SymHull (REAL r)
Returns the interval [-r,r].

Function: REAL Mid (INTERVAL a)
Returns the midpoint of the interval a.

Function: REAL Diam (INTERVAL a)
Returns the diameter of the interval a.

Function: REAL Abs (INTERVAL a)
Returns the absolute value of the interval a.

Function: REAL Mig (INTERVAL a)
Returns the mignitude of the interval a.

Function: REAL Distance (x, y)
Returns the distance between x and y. The expressions x and y may be either of type REAL or INTERVAL.

Function: BOOL Intersection (INTERVAL a, INTERVAL b, INTERVAL c)
If b and c intersect, the value TRUE is returned and a contains the intersection. Otherwise FALSE is returned and the contents of a are undefined.