Joint Research Project ResilientEE - Resilience of coupled Energy Grids under high Influx Renewable Energies

Project Leader: Professor Dr-Ing Alfons Kather
Duration: 01.09.2017 - 30.06.2021

Target of the project is to study the reliability of future energy supply systems with a high input of renewable energies (RE). This is achieved by striving formally proven solutions whilst endeavouring to increase RE contribution.

Towards this aim the resilience of coupled energy systems will be studied with equation-based modelling to determine the system capability to recover after local disturbances. As first step the models developed in the Joint Project TransiEnt.EE will be extended, to enable spatially resolved stationary and dynamic computations. The energy system of North Germany will be analysed, with individual sectors modelled at different depths of detail. Based on the results, concepts of automatic control within coupled energy systems will be developed. The system resilience will be determined under suitable critical test cases, to be developed in the project.

In the project the following questions will be addressed:

  • How can a complex overall system be sectioned reasonably in partial systems, to be reduced for modelling, without losing significant information?
  • How detailed must the modelling be, to study plants and components under the various scenarios being investigated?
  • How is it possible to optimise the operation of a coupled energy system under consideration of the various operating requirements and the need for CO2 minimisation or cost-efficiency?
  • How resilient is a coupled energy system subjected to strong fluctuations in the supply and demand, or facing drop-outs of components or malfunctions in the automatic control software?

The project is performed in collaboration with two other Institutes of the TUHH:

 with Federal Government support.


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