Students' Theses


  • {Sivanand Shankar} (2018). An online optimization based torque vectoring control technique for an electric racing car.

  • Richter, Leon Luk Bozo (2018). Entwicklung einer erweiterten Simulationsumgebung für einen Roboterarm im Rahmen des Tischtennisspiels.

  • Niemann, Jan-Hendrik (2018). A Dynamic Memory Approach for Consensus Problems with Packet Loss.

  • Ongrungroj, Pongpol (2018). Attitude control of a small quadrotor with Quaternions.

  • Patil, Sarish (2018). Trajectory Prediction for a Table Tennis Ball in the Game.

  • Paulsen, Peter (2018). Development of a software framework for implementation of Co-operative control algorithms on a swarm of small quadrotors.

  • Paulsen, Peter (2018). Literature review of Formation control and Flocking algorithms for cooperative control of mobile robots.

  • Reich, Jan Erik (2018). Modeling and Control of the Industrial Emulator.

  • Schradick, Dennis (2018). Real-time calibration for localization of UAVs using ultra wide band sensors.

  • Lobisch, Julian Alexander (2018). MPC of a Self-Driving Formula Student Vehicle.

  • Shalghar, Ajay (2018). Comparison of LPV controller synthesis with LPV tools and synthesis with full block scalings.

  • Skulimowski, Adrian (2018). Predictive Trajectory Following for a Trailer Maneuver Assistant.

  • Stehn, Max (2018). Online Parameter Identification of a Single Track Model for Model Predictive Control of Lateral Dynamics.

  • Strübing, Manuel (2018). An underwater test-bed setup for modeling acoustic communications in underwater test-bed setup for modeling acoustic communications in formation control of underwater robots.

  • Thombra, Andrew (2018). Sliding Mode Control of SISO Control Moment Gyroscope.

  • Trost, Jan-Henning (2018). Entwicklung einer robusten Geschwindigkeitsregelung für die Arbeitshydraulik von Flurförderzeugen.

  • Lu, Zichong (2018). Development and Evaluation of a learned Biped Walking Trajectory based on 3D Points on the NAO Robotic System.

  • Kothakapu, Raja Vardhan Reddy (2018). Hinf Controller Design for Position and Attitude Control of a small quadrotor.

  • {Tchinda Fongang}, Maximilien (2018). Development and Comparison of different Control Schemes using two Coal-fired Power Plants with different Carbon Capture methods as an example.

  • Dong, Sikai (2018). Implementation and Comparison of two Observer Types for Estimating the Speed of an Induction Motor of a Fork Lifter.

  • {Williams Riquer}, Francisco (2018). Influence of the Measurement System on Formation Control.

  • Annuth, Robert (2018). Extension of a mobile robot platform for experiments in swarm robotics.

  • Bakr, Mohamed Ahmed Mustafa (2018). Systematic procedure for Extended MIMO Data driven control and Implementation on Control Moment Gyroscope.

  • Bizon, Kevin (2018). Model Reduction of Flexible Structures.

  • Davydov, Nikolai (2018). Play Back a Thrown Table Tennis Ball by a Robotic Manipulator.

  • Denninger, Rebekka (2018). Entwicklung der Regelungstechnik eines modularen Umrichtersystems für Photovoltaik und Speicheranwendungen.

  • Ehleben, Ira (2018). Erstellung eines Modells zur Prädiktion der Sauerstoffaufnahme während einer Allgemeinanästhesie.

  • Kocev, Kliment (2018). Development of a Mobile Platform for Swarm Robotics Experiments.

  • Geisler and Hendrik (2018). Evaluation of a Diffeomorphic Matching Algorithm applied to the CLF-DM Segmentation Framework.

  • Häuslein, Julius (2018). Dynamic quantization for formation control of underwater robotic agents.

  • Hamann, Tobias (2018). Analysis, Identification and Control of a Multi-Drive Joint with regard to Milling Processes with a Serial Manipulator.

  • Heeren, Lennart (2018). LPV System Identification of a large power plant.

  • Heinke, Simon (2018). Active Vibration Control - Distributed vs. Centralized Control.

  • Jois, Varun (2018). qLMPC of Arm-Driven Inverted Pendulum.

  • Williams, Jacob (2018). Simulation des menschlichen Herz-Kreislaufsystems unter Beachtung von CO2 und O2 für einen beatmeten Patienten.


  • {Aadithyan Sridharan} (2017). qLMPC Control of a Robotic Manipulator for Obstracle Avoidance.

  • Mehrez, Ibrahim (2017). Robot arm Writing on Arbitrary Orientated Surfaces and Utilization of pen pressure.

  • Jadhav, Shashank (2017). Convergence of consensus algorithms for multi-agent systems under communication constraints.

  • Jahn, Felix (2017). Development of a Trajectory Tracking Controller for an Autonomous Racing Car.

  • Jong, Linda Wijaya (2017). Methods and Tools for Co-Design between Control and Real-Time Systems Engineering for Traction Drives of Electric Vehicles.

  • Klumbies, Martin (2017). Verteilte Konsensalgortihmen für LTI-Agenten.

  • Krackow, Norman (2017). Anwendung und Untersuchung des DMP Algorithmus am Beispiel der Aufschwungphase eines Invertierten Pendels.

  • Lüdders, Hannah (2017). Entwicklung eines Regelungskonzepts für die Beatmungsregelung eines neuartigen Anästhesiegerätes.

  • Lu, Zichong (2017). Different Approaches for ''Sphero'''s Control Design.

  • Murthy, Suhas Prasanna (2017). Positioning 3-D Quad-Copters Using Image Processing.

  • Heeren, Lennart (2017). Evaluierung einer Massenschwerpunktstrajektorie in y-Richtung des NAO Robotik Systems.

  • Myagkikh, Vitaly (2017). Development of a robot platform for experiments in swarm robotics.

  • Naumann, Konrad (2017). Nonlinear control of a quadrotor for stabiliyation from arbitrary initial conditions.

  • Rahmel, Swante (2017). Robuste Detektion von Resonanzfrequenzen in Werkzeugmaschinen.

  • Skulimowski, Adrian (2017). Implementation of a Distance-Angle-Based Formation Control with a Local Camera System for Non-Holonomic Agents.

  • Smaluhn, Ben Franklin (2017). Non-Linear Friction Modeling for a Spring-Mass-Damper System.

  • Tomat, Jana (2017). Modellbildung und robuster Mehrgrößenreglerentwurf für die exspiratorische Anästhesiegaskonzentration und inspiratorische Sauerstoffkonzentration im Atemkreis eines halbgeschlossenen Anästhesiegerätes.

  • Wedler, Mathies (2017). Entwicklung einer Simulation eines Roboterarms.

  • Heinke, Simon (2017). Setup and System Identification of an Active Vibration Control Test-bench.

  • Hastedt, Philipp (2017). System Identication of a Quadrotor using Indoor Positioning System.

  • {David Eduardo Garcia Luna Romero} (2017). Closed-loop swing-up of inverted pendulum on a cart using Model Predictive Control.

  • Borzek, Ole (2017). Integral Quadratic Constraints for Analysing Time-Delayed Networks with Lattice Structures.

  • {Mihai Ginta} (2017). Implementation of Distance-Angle-Based Formation Control for a Group of Sphero Robots.

  • {Morales Rodriguez}, Hector Alberto (2017). Low Control Effort for a 2 DOF Planar Parallel Robot by Incorporating Compliant Joints.

  • {Nguyen Cong}, Trinh (2017). Implementation and Test of a Distributed Formation Control Scheme for a Swarm of Small-Scale Quad-Rotor Helicopters using Robust Control Techniques.

  • {Nishanth Althar Udupa} (2017). Modelling and Control of Mechatrnonics for Haptic Rendering in Flight Control Actuation in Helicopters.

  • {Oliver Menck} (2017). Implementation of formation control with source seeking for non-holonomic agents.

  • {Rojas Gallardo}, Carlos Alberto (2017). Influence of Topology Control on Performance of Multi-Agent Systems and on the Spectrum of the Interaction Graph.

  • Attar, Abdul Nasser (2017). Identication of a Linear Parameter Varying Dynamic Model of an electric sports car..

  • Delea, Cosmin (2017). Utilisation of a Force Sensor as Input for Kinaesthetic Teaching of End Effector Coordinates of a Robotic Manipulator.

  • Gudorf, Anja (2017). Modellierung und Identifikation einer Bahnschien - Fräsmaschine.

  • Delea, Cosmin (2017). Design and Implementation of a Robust Controller for Autonomous Surface Vehicles Following a Reference Trajectory.

  • Dong, Sikai (2017). Evaluation of Different Observer Types for Estimating the Speed of a Induction motor of a Fork Lifter.

  • Farnbacher, Jonas (2017). Assessment of a data transmission platform using the nRF24L01+ radio transceiver for networked formation control of mobile robots.

  • Gad, Farid (2017). Utilizing a 3D Camera to Detect Arm and Hand Motion while Playing Ping-Pong.

  • Ganoub, Mohamed (2017). Evaluation and Implementation of a Robust and Fast Light Invariant Balldetection for a Table Tennis Playing Robotarm.

  • Ghoorchian, Saeed (2017). Kernelized principal component analysis of a Linear Parameter Varying model of a Gyroscope.

  • Ginta, Sabin-Mihai (2017). Implementation of Boundary Conditions for Spatially-Interconnected Systems.

  • Woidelko, Mirco Fabian (2017). Localization of a Quad-roter Helicopter using Indoor Positioning, Optical Flow Sensor and IMU Data.


  • {Daniel Schaefer} (2016). Design and implementation of a distance-based formation control scheme via local camera.

  • Hansen, Hendrik (2016). Kinematic Analysis of a Parallel Robot with Application to the Fish Processing Industry.

  • Olschewski, Robin (2016). Implementierung eines Imitation Learning Ansatzes zur Nutzung eines Roboter Manipulators für das Schreiben.

  • Niemann, Jan-Hendrik (2016). Convergence Speed of Distributed Average Consensus Algorithms.

  • Mersch, Benedikt (2016). Modelling and control of a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell stack in O2 loop operation.

  • Lippert, Patrick (2016). Conceptual design of a Combined Simulation Environment for System Dynamics and Network Properties in a Networked Control System.

  • Laß, Moritz Boy (2016). Extension of the position measurement setup for position control of a quad-rotor helicopter by integration of an optical flow sensor.

  • Lüders, Nathapon Olaf (2016). Object Localisation on the NAO Robotic System Using a Deep Neural Network and an Image Contrast Based Approach.

  • Kunkel, Florian (2016). System Identification and Position Control of a Quadrocopter by Means of Camera-Based Position Tracking.

  • Konda, Yuria (2016). Positioning of a Quad-Rotor Helicopter Using Data Fusion of GPS, Inertial and Optical Flow Measurements.

  • Kanth, Boga Vishnu (2016). Implementation of a Model Predictive Controller in a Heating System.

  • Jobmann, Jonathan (2016). Untersuchung des eingeschwungenen Zustands bei Verwendung eines Doppelunwuchtrotors.

  • Handigol, Chetan Umesh (2016). Implementation and Experimental Test of a Distributed Formation Control Scheme for a Group of Spherical Robots using Robust Control Techniques.

  • {Dominguez Victorio}, Luis Alfonso (2016). Supply Chain Optimization via Model Predictive Control.

  • Garstka, Michael (2016). Entwurf und Design einer Regelungsstrategie zur Bewegung eines Roboterarms in die Flugbahn eines auf einer 2D Kurve geworfenen Balls, um diesen in eine spezifizierte Richtung abprallen zu lassen.

  • Farnbacher, Jonas (2016). Implementation and Experimental Validation of Formation Control Schemes for a Swarm of Quad-Rotor Helicopters using Robust Control Techniques.

  • Bussa, Ashish (2016). LPV System Identification for the Air-Path of a Gasoline Engine with I/O and Subspace Identification Methods.

  • Brust, Johannes (2016). Modellbasierte Entwicklung der Steuerung und Regelung für die Vorsatzhubfunktion eines Feldhäckslers.

  • Berghoff, Sebastian (2016). Adaptation and Test of a Camera-Based Localization System for Positioning of Miniature Quad-Rotor Helicopters.

  • {William Riquer}, Francisco (2016). Trajectory tracking and oscillation damping of a container crane using LPV control techniques.

  • {Palomares Castillo, Carlos Eduardo} (2016). Identification and Control of a Self-Balancing Robot.

  • {Mahendra Jain}, Ankur (2016). System Identification of a Sphero Robot.

  • {Garcia Luna Rumero, David Eduardo} (2016). Development and Comparison of Development and Comparison of Different Control Schemes for a Post Combustion Capture Unit of an Industrial Power Plant.

  • {Elena Sophia Rattay} (2016). Design and Implementation a Distance-Based Positioning System via Local Camera for Non-Holonomic Robots. [Abstract]

  • {Dominguez Victorio}, Luis Alfonso (2016). Trading in Energy Markets: a Control Theoretic Approach.

  • Pertzborn, Till (2016). Erweiterung und Evaluierung des Tischtennis-Ballmodells zur Vorhersage der Balltrajektorie unter Berücksichtigung von Spin, Stoß auf Tennisplatte und Schläger.

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