
Water Protection and Wastewater Management
Untertitel:Module: Water Protection
DozentIn:Prof. Dr. Ing. Ralf Otterpohl, M. Sc Lukas Huhn
Veranstaltungstyp:Vorlesung (Lehre)

The lecture focusses on:

  • Regulatory Framework (e.g. WFD)
  • Main instruments for the water management and protection
  • In depth knowledge of relevant measures of water pollution control
  • Urban drainage, treatment options in different regions on the world
  • Rainwater management, improved management of heavy rainfalls, downpours, rainwater harvesting, rainwater infiltration
  • Case Studies and Field Trips
Ort:nicht angegeben
Semester:WiSe 22/23
Weitere Informationen:
Heimatinstitut: Institut für Abwasserwirtschaft u. Gewässerschutz (B-2)
In Stud.IP angemeldete Teilnehmer: 2
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